Everyone may not have the same intellect, beauty, wealth, but all of us have the same amount of time. We all have 24 hours. People say that time is money, you ask me this statement is very wrong. Time is more than money. You can earn money but you cannot earn time. Once it is gone, it is gone forever. This is why it is important to manage time effectively.

So now the question arises ‘What is time management? Time management in simple words is – utilizing your 24 hours in such a way that you don’t miss a deadline and you provide the right time for each task.

"The key is in not spending time, but in investing it." -- Stephen R. Covey

If you want to know the importance of time the ask them:

  1. To realize the value of one year, ask a student who failed in his annual exam.
  2. To realize the value of one month, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
  3. To realize the value of one week, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
  4. To realize the value of one hour, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
  5. To realize the value of one second, ask the person who just avoided a traffic accident.
  6. To realize the value of one millisecond, ask the person who was beaten in a race by a Winner in Olympics.

Advantages of time management:

  • Your efficiency increases: have you ever thought that if I had more time I could do this more nicely, well time management provides you extra time to perfect your work.
  • You are stress-free: what is your stress level when you are completing a task at its deadline. Are you relaxed? No, but when you manage your time well, you are stress-free.
  •  Improves your ability to make a better decision: time management provides you time to notice every opportunity that knocks on your door. When you are relaxed, you can take ample rest.
  • Achieve your goals: If you are doing time management properly, then you will be busier throughout the day in those tasks, by which you will achieve your future goals. The benefit from this will be that you will be able to understand your goals clearly and to achieve that goal, you will work on those subjects which will lead you to a better future.

Techniques for better time Management: There are more than a hundred time management techniques. I have tried these techniques myself and I would suggest you try these techniques:

1: Fix Your MIT: You must first fix your MIT for your time management. Here MIT stands for Most Important Task. You probably do not know that throughout the day you start doing some work for which you have no value. And you start to avoid such work which is most Valuable. So the first rule of time management says that you should first focus on doing the work that is most important for you throughout your day. So that you do not waste time doing wasteful work first.

2: Make A Perfect Time Table: Like we maintain a Ledger for the record of our Daily Expenses and Monthly Expenses. In the same way, we should also create a Perfect Time Table for our time. And in that timetable, you have to keep a complete schedule from your morning till your night. In which you have to fix one time for each work of your day when you have to do which work and in which time you have to finish the work.Because when you create a perfect timetable, then you have a goal to do the work in front of you. That goal is to be completed in a Limited Time. So you will be ready to finish that work on time.

3: Hand Over Your Work To Other Person: By the way, it is said that we should do our work ourselves. But we should do this when we can put others on the job to do our work. All the successful individuals, hand over their work to others and they do the same work which is very important to do.

4:  Pareto’s principle: Are you aware of Pareto’s principle that only 20% of causes give 80% of the result and this is a universal truth. For example:

  • 20% of criminals commit 80% of crimes.
  • 20% of drivers cause 80% of all traffic accidents
  • 80% of the pollution originates from 20% of all factories.
  • 20% of a company’s products represent 80% of sales.
  • 20% of employees are responsible for 80% of the results.
  • 20% of students have grades 80% or higher.

Notice the task that gives you most of the results and give them most of your time.

5:  Divide your to-do list into 4 parts:

  • URGENT AND IMPORTANT -These tasks should be done right now and no time should be wasted as they matter a lot.
  • URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT- these tasks can be delegated as they are urgent, they may be a bit important but someone else can do it for you.
  • IMPORTANT BUT NOT URGENT -this task should be your second priority because today they are not urgent but in the future, they will be shifted to the 1st category.
  • NEITHER URGENT NOR IMPORTANT- you should never do such tasks as this task only waste your time.


6: Keep a budget of time: Just as you make a budget for money, in the same way, make a budget for a time as well. To make a budget, you have to calculate where your money is being spent. Follow the same policy in the matter of time also. Take a diary and keep a record of how much time you spend in a week. Remember, this is just a week, you have to do it. The more you keep an account in the long book, the more you will benefit. After one week, analyze this entire record thoroughly. With this analysis, you will get to know which work is meaningless or in which activity you are giving more time than necessary. You can get extra time only when you leave some old activity.

                                                         - Arjun Pandit

if you want to learn more about time management, Read :

Time Management is Life Management


  1. Very nice, motivational & valuable blog. It is really helpful for those who wants to be a successful person in their life.....Keep it up .

  2. thank you for reading. kindly follow,share & comment. if you want to read and if you want to know more about time management kindly read:

  3. This blog is really amazing! you have made time management so easy.

  4. This blog show your wonderful thoughts, You have creative mind if you ll manage your time for creativity that will be wonderful.

  5. very nice article. waiting for next!!!!
