Attitude-The Real Power


Attitude-The Real Power

 “If one needs to succeed,

                            Positive attitude is what he needs.”

Attitude is the most important aspect of life. It applies to every sphere of life, from personal to professional life. Attitude is the foundation of success. Now before we understand ‘how important attitude is? ’and ‘importance of attitude’ one needs to first understand the real meaning of attitude. Attitude is the way a person reacts and thinks when a situation arises. So the decision we made in life is directly connected to our attitude.

Importance of Attitude:

Attitude is very important. According to a study at Harvard University, whenever a person gets a promotion or a job, it is 85% times because of attitude and 15% of times due to education. See, all our parent’s money is invested in that 15%. Nobody ever focuses on that important 85% that matters. This blog focuses on that important 85%. Can a teacher be a good teacher without a good attitude? Can a student be a good student without a good attitude? Can you meet and impress people without a good attitude? No, you can’t. Hence, attitude is the first step towards success, irrespective of your field.

Advantages of Attitude:

  •    When your attitude is right you can notice the opportunity under your feet. You should know that opportunity always knocks once, the next opportunity may be better/worse but it is never the same.
  •    Attitude helps you to connect with people easily as you are feeling nice about yourself, you carry a very nice body language and there is a positive charisma around you that attracts people towards just like a magnet attract a piece of iron nail.
  •    You take better decisions when you have a good attitude as you are relaxed and notice every detail and your problem-solving ability increases.
  •    When you have a good attitude, you feel good about yourself. You are confident about yourself and when you start working, you are more efficient & effective.

Factors that Affect your Attitude:                                                                                                                                                                          

  •    Environment
  •    Education
  •    Experience

Steps to change your attitude:

Look for the positive- Always look for the positives. Be a seeker of good. Try to find something right in a wrong situation or a person. Because we are mentally programmed to see the faults and due to this disability, we are not able to see the positive picture. Remember that when you are digging for gold you don’t see the dirt you have to remove, all your focus is on gold.

Count your blessings, not your troubles- we are so focused on complaining that we don’t see the boons we have. Many of our blessings are our hidden power. When you count your blessings you never acquire a common sin - ‘ENVY’.

Build positive self-esteem – Self-esteem is the way we feel about ourselves. Do you see yourself in the mirror and say words like ‘idiot’, dumb, or any other negative thing. Well, you have to stop this habit of yours if you want to build a positive attitude. Next time you see yourself in the mirror say some positive sentences about yourself as it energizes you and you are confident about yourself. always stay away from negative influences whether it be people or any other source. It is difficult in the case of people but alliances with these people will only demotivate you. If you can’t stop meeting them then maintain a safe distance from them.

Always start your day with something positive- Watch a positive video or read a motivational book as after a good night's sleep we are relaxed and our subconscious mind is receptive. And you start your day with something good, you are in a good mood which is good for you as well as others.


  1. Wonderfully written & excellent structure of thoughts. I completely accord with thought. Indeed, it is not altitude in liife, but attitude which matter most. I simply love the line on positivity. Positiveness attract success, happiness & feel good.

  2. Very nice & valuable blog.....Keep it up.

  3. This blog is amazing. Explained very well

  4. “If one needs to succeed

    Positive attitude is what he needs.”
    very well said
