How To Achieve Focus?

     -        Arjun Pandit

 “Focus and Simplicity….once you get there, you can move mountains”                                                                                                        -Steve jobs

We are living in 21 century and now a days not only quantity but quality work also matters. Focus gives you that quality work. When you are focused, no one can stop you from achieving success. Successful people are focused on their mission. They work on their goals everyday. This helps them achieve success faster than anyoneHave you ever burnt a paper with a magnifying glass? The paper starts burning when you focus sun rays at a point. So scientifically also we can show that focus ensures results.

Before we understand that ‘How to achieve FOCUS?’ We should know what actually focus is? Focus is a momentum where a person begins a task without procrastinating and works until the task is completed. When a person achieves focus he is like a monk whose main goal is to attain salvation. So in simple words FOCUS means:Follow One Course Until  Success. in other words we can say that to be a focused person is not a difficult task but the point is "How To ACHIEVE FOCUS ?" this is certainly the most asked question because we live in a world full of distraction. But it is not at all tough to achieve focus. By following these steps you can achieve focus:


·    Switch off your mobile: Yes it sounds a bit difficult because in this 21 century mobile has become an important part of our life. But if you want to focus it is necessary to switch off your phone. As it is a major cause of distraction. According to research from Rescue Time, one of several apps for iOS and Android created to monitor phone use, people generally spend an average of three hours and 15 minutes on their phones every day, with the top 20% of smartphone users spending upwards of four and a half hours. And if you think you can’t switch off your mobile at least put a busy status so that no one disturbs you while you work.


·   Work when you are at your best: Did you know that during the whole day there is a time when your energy level is the highest and you are most productive. So if you do your most important work at this time you will be able to achieve focus faster. See now you have to observe that when you are the most focused as the time is different for all the people. For some people it is the morning hours while for some it is during night.

·      Fear Factor: What would happen if I tell you that you have to learn nursery rhymes for a month? You will feel bored. And what would happen if I say that you have to give a presentation in front of many intelligent people just half an hour before the presentation. You will be highly stressed out. Will you be able to achieve focus in any of the situation? NO.  But if you do a task that is a bit challenging and you feel moderate stress than you will be able to achieve focus because in this situation your brain will release a chemical known as noradrenaline and will get activated.   


·       Choose your workstation wisely: See workstation is a place where you work and it should be a place where you feel relaxed. And I would prefer that you study and work at the same place as your environment is 10 times powerful than your willpower. So whenever you go to the place, you will be willing to work. A special tip is that before you start working, you should take some deep breathes and then start working because when we shift from one task to another task, you still think about the task that you did before. these few deep breathes will allow you to get your mind's attention to the new task.


·        Make a distraction sheet: Have you ever felt that when you are working you get many distractive thoughts and it is very tough to get rid of these thoughts. I willl give you a tip to get rid of these thoughts. So, when you get such thoughts you write the thought on paper and rethink when you are done because when you write the thoughts on the paper your mind feels that you accepted its wish and will stop giving you those thoughts. 

     These baby steps if done on regular basis will help a lot and become your starting dominos and will help you achieve your final goal. They are the rules for a FOCUSED success in a distracted world.   

                “Your life is controlled by what you focus on”                                                                                                                                       - Tony Robbins


  1. This blog really notifies the appt.meaning of focus....very innovative and enthusiastic vibes reciprocate while reading this blog .....if people are willing to make ther perception better towards there goals then they should utmostly go through it⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️...well done Mr.Arjun Pandit...keep up with it ..good luck.👍👍

  2. This blog really notifies the appt.meaning of focus....very innovative and enthusiastic vibes reciprocate while reading this blog .....if people are willing to make ther perception better towards there goals then they should utmostly go through it⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️...well done Mr.Arjun Pandit...keep up with it ..good luck.👍👍

  3. This blog is just AWESOME!!!


  5. Rightly said Arjun.
    All the best child.

  6. Pretty well articulation. Indeed clarity of thoughts is reflecting with every precise statement in this. Simplicity & Focused approach is highly rewarding in life.
