“A High Performer uses his fear, to galvanize his action.”

Have you ever wondered that how high performers like Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, and many more successful personalities maintain their high performance? Achieving high performance is a tough job and maintaining high performance is tougher. But the thing is that high performance is needed the most if you want success. So, अगर चाय पीनी है तो, चीनी तो मिलानी पड़ेगी (if you want success than you have to achieve high performance). In today’s blog, we will learn how to achieve high performance and maintain high performance.

To achieve high performance we have to become a high performer and to become a high performer, we have to follow these high-performance habits:

Seek Clarity: A high performer is clear about himself as well as his goals. When I say that a high performer knows himself, I mean that he knows his qualities and is also aware of his weak points. High performers know what the next step is and are always clear about their path to their long-term goal. They are aware of the difficulties and challenges they have to face and are ready for them.

Now, I want you to take a sheet of paper and write your goals. Analyze the path and become aware of difficulties and challenges. Note that goals mean long-term goals, not short-term goals.

Raise Necessity: A high performer is always aware of his responsibility and takes action according to it. Now you may ask why? Because for a high performer his goal is no longer a dream but it is a duty that he/she has to follow. Necessity gives rise to motivation. And motivation is a force that makes you act spontaneously.

Now I want you to analyze all your responsibility. Then, think about what will happen if you do not do the work. And the final step is to set a strong reason in mind that why your goal is important. Let me give you an example, suppose you have your kids, your parents dependent on you and you are the only person who earns in the whole house. Your goal is to earn more money so that everyone in your family is happy. Now think about what will happen to your family if you earn less or don’t earn at all. Now use this as an answer to why your goal is important. You will act towards your goal, you won’t procrastinate, and think of more ways to earn.

Demonstrate Courage: To demonstrate courage you don’t need to do something groundbreaking rather small deeds can also create a huge impact. When I say that demonstrate courage I mean 3 things, you should have the courage to express your desire, your negligence, and your opinion. You should have the courage to face difficulties in life and accept your struggle and hard work.

Be productive: Now I have told you about productivity before also and if you want to know about them, kindly read these blogs:

How to achieve focus?

How to manage your time effectively?

Read them and follow the tips to become more productive.


Thank you for reading. Kindly comment and share. Stay blessed and Stay motivated!


  1. very nicely written. you have explained each topic nicely.

  2. Very well written. High performance is actually needed by the people. Try these techniques, they actually work. Amazing..

  3. This blog is for all those people who want to succeed and achieve something in life

  4. Very inspirational blog. Achieving a specific designation is not the goal, but becoming the best version of oneself should be the aim of every employee and person.McKinley Curtis III is one of the best Motivational Speakers in Huntsville, AL. He is my role model. His speeches inspire thousands of people.
