The Broken Samurai

The Broken Samurai

Once stood a samurai named Kenji, bold and strong,

His skills unmatched, tales of his glory long.

In battles fierce, his foes would quake with fear,

A master of the blade, his legend ever near.

But pride and ego led him down a lazy road,

The great samurai, now broken, his fame erode.

The women ceased their longing, men envied him no more,

The hero turned to laughingstock, his praises now folklore.

Yet whispers of his strength remained, a spark within,

The fire dimmed but not yet out, a battle to begin.

One night in silent meditation, he found his path,

To reclaim his lost glory, to escape his inner wrath.

He trained with fierce determination, day and night,

His spirit burning bright again, his goal in sight.

At last, the day of reckoning, a competition grand,

Kenji faced his rivals strong, with steady hand.

In the final bout stood Hiroshi, a warrior trained from youth,

A formidable opponent, his skill and strength the truth.

But Kenji would not yield, his spirit burning bright,

He fought with all his heart and soul, reclaiming his lost might.

For three long hours the battle raged, the crowd in awe,

Kenji’s blade danced through the air, his purpose without flaw.

At last, he stood victorious, the crowd bowed at his feet,

The broken samurai was gone, his triumph now complete.

Princess Aiko’s heart was his, the victory, his gain,

From rock bottom he had risen, with nothing left to stain.

Kenji, now the great once more, had earned their love and trust,

A hero’s tale of fall and rise, his legend now robust.