Stephen Hawking: A Brief History of a Beautiful Mind

Stephen Hawking: A Brief History of a Beautiful Mind

If I was asked who was the person that inspired me to never give up, it would be none other that the Genius who revolutionised astrophysics and explained that physical limitations don't mean a thing. The brilliance of Stephen Hawking's mind increased our understanding of the universe. Let us take a deep dive into the beautiful mind of this brilliant theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author. 


Stephen William Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, in Oxford, England, to Frank and Isobel Hawking. If the world was not busy worshipping actors and politicians, all of us would together be paying tributes and showing gratitude that inspires us, irrespective you are a nerd or not. From an early age, Hawking exhibited an exceptional aptitude for mathematics and  curiosity about the workings of the cosmos. His academic journey led him to the University of Oxford, where he pursued studies in physics, and later to the University of Cambridge, where he embarked on a doctoral program in cosmology. 

There is one thing that is common in all the great thinkers and scientists, whether it be Leonardo Da Vinci, Einstein or Hawking, that is curiosity. We all are curious and curiosity can't be killed or suppressed but redirected. Thus instead of being curious about doing something in our lives, success or the mystery of the cosmos, we are curious about the latest movie or the dress which an actor won on the red carpet or what happened in a reality show or the most compelling one, GOSSIP.


At the age of 21, during his doctoral studies, Hawking was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a disease that gradually paralyzes voluntary muscles while leaving the mind untouched. So, the person would be alive but won't be able to use any muscle that is controlled directly by our conscience. Doctors expected that Hawking had only a few years to live. Hawking faced an uncertain future. However, his determination and intellect defied the odds and Hawking stayed with us , inspiring and motivating us till the age of 76 .


Hawking's early work focused on the nature of black holes, mysterious entities predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity. His groundbreaking research proved the notion that nothing could escape a black hole's gravitational pull wrong. In 1974, he proposed what would later be known as Hawking radiation, a theoretical prediction that black holes could emit particles and energy, which would ultimately kill these matter consuming monsters. This revolutionary idea transformed our understanding of black holes and bridged the realms of quantum mechanics and general relativity.


The publication of his best-selling book, "A Brief History of Time," in 1988 catapulted Hawking into international fame. The book aimed to allow the common masses to understand complex scientific concepts and ponder the mysteries of the cosmos. This book was also my first introduction to astrophysics and still is skin to a bible for me.


Despite his physical limitations, Hawking continued to make significant contributions to theoretical physics. He delved into topics ranging from the nature of the universe's origin to the search for a unified theory (A theory that would bridge Einstein's general relativity and quantum mechanics). His work challenged conventional wisdom and pushed the boundaries of our understanding, earning him numerous awards, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009.


Beyond his scientific contributions, Stephen Hawking became a symbol of inspiration for individuals facing adversity. We are constantly making excuses about how tough our lives is while this man continued to work even after being confined to a wheelchair and reliant on a speech synthesizer for communication. He defied the limitations imposed by his physical condition. Hawking's determination to pursue scientific inquiry despite his progressive paralysis spoke to the power of the human spirit and the potential of a human mind.


Throughout his life, Hawking engaged with questions that extended beyond the boundaries of physics. He explored the existence of extraterrestrial life or aliens as we call them and discussed the implications of artificial intelligence. He was among the first people who warned us about AI and said that it will eventually outperform humans. He advocated for the responsible exploration of space even though many people believed it to be a waste of time and resources. He said:

I think the human race doesn't have a future if it doesn't go into space. I therefore want to encourage public interest in space. A zero-gravity flight is the first step towards space travel.” 

Hawking's curiosity and willingness made him a people's favourite.


Stephen Hawking passed away on March 14, 2018, leaving behind a legacy that transcends the boundaries of scientific achievement. It is a coincidence that he was born on the day Galileo Galilei passed away and his death anniversary coincides with the day the great Albert Einstein was born. His life serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring scientists, people with disabilities, and anyone facing adversity. The beauty of Hawking's mind extended beyond the equations and theorems; it radiated from his ability to find joy in the pursuit of knowledge, to communicate complex ideas with clarity, and to confront the mysteries of the universe with unwavering determination.


As we gaze at the stars and ponder the mysteries of the cosmos, we can find inspiration in the life and work of Stephen Hawking. His legacy lives on in the pages of scientific journals, the classrooms of aspiring physicists, and the hearts of those who continue to marvel at the beauty of the universe he helped us understand. Let this article be my tribute to him.